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Defines declarations of various attributes.
The term 'attribute' refers to things that can apply to a larger scope than a single declaration. Among them are: - Alignment (align(8)) - User defined attributes (@UDA) - Function Attributes (@safe) - Storage classes (static, __gshared) - Mixin declarations (mixin("int x;")) - Conditional compilation (static if, static foreach) - Linkage (extern(C)) - Anonymous structs / unions - Protection (private, public) - Deprecated declarations (@deprecated)

Source attrib.d

abstract class AttribDeclaration: dmd.dsymbol.Dsymbol;
static Scope* createNewScope(Scope* sc, StorageClass stc, LINK linkage, CPPMANGLE cppmangle, Prot protection, int explicitProtection, AlignDeclaration aligndecl, PINLINE inlining);
Create a new scope if one or more given attributes are different from the sc's. If the returned scope != sc, the caller should pop the scope after it used.
Scope* newScope(Scope* sc);
A hook point to supply scope for members. addMember, setScope, importAll, semantic, semantic2 and semantic3 will use this.
final void addLocalClass(ClassDeclarations* aclasses);
class StorageClassDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
class DeprecatedDeclaration: dmd.attrib.StorageClassDeclaration;
Scope* newScope(Scope* sc);
Provides a new scope with STC.deprecated_ and Scope.depdecl set
Calls StorageClassDeclaration.newScope (as it must be called or copied in any function overriding newScope), then set the Scope's depdecl.
Always a new scope, to use for this DeprecatedDeclaration's members.
class LinkDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
class CPPMangleDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
class CPPNamespaceDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
A node to represent an extern(C++) namespace attribute
There are two ways to declarate a symbol as member of a namespace: Nspace and CPPNamespaceDeclaration. The former creates a scope for the symbol, and inject them in the parent scope at the same time. The later, this class, has no semantic implications and is only used for mangling. Additionally, this class allows one to use reserved identifiers (D keywords) in the namespace.
A CPPNamespaceDeclaration can be created from an Identifier (already resolved) or from an Expression, which is CTFE-ed and can be either a TupleExp, in which can additional CPPNamespaceDeclaration nodes are created, or a StringExp.
Note that this class, like Nspace, matches only one identifier part of a namespace. For the namespace "foo::bar", the will be a CPPNamespaceDeclaration with its ident set to "bar", and its namespace field pointing to another CPPNamespaceDeclaration with its ident set to "foo".
Expression exp;
CTFE-able expression, resolving to TupleExp or StringExp
Scope* newScope(Scope* sc);
A copy of the parent scope, with this as namespace and C++ linkage
class ProtDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
this(ref const Loc loc, Prot protection, Dsymbols* decl);
Loc loc source location of attribute token
Prot protection protection attribute data
Dsymbols* decl declarations which are affected by this protection attribute
this(ref const Loc loc, Identifiers* pkg_identifiers, Dsymbols* decl);
Loc loc source location of attribute token
Identifiers* pkg_identifiers list of identifiers for a qualified package name
Dsymbols* decl declarations which are affected by this protection attribute
class AlignDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
class AnonDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
class PragmaDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
class ConditionalDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
class StaticIfDeclaration: dmd.attrib.ConditionalDeclaration;
Dsymbols* include(Scope* sc);
Different from other AttribDeclaration subclasses, include() call requires the completion of addMember and setScope phases.
class StaticForeachDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
Static foreach at declaration scope, like: static foreach (i; [0, 1, 2]){ }
StaticForeach sfe;
contains static foreach expansion logic
ScopeDsymbol scopesym;
cached enclosing scope (mimics static if declaration)
bool onStack;
include can be called multiple times, but a static foreach should be expanded at most once. Achieved by caching the result of the first call. We need both cached and cache, because null is a valid value for cache.
class ForwardingAttribDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
Collection of declarations that stores foreach index variables in a local symbol table. Other symbols declared within are forwarded to another scope, like:
static foreach (i; 0 .. 10) // loop variables for different indices do not conflict. { // this body is expanded into 10 ForwardingAttribDeclarations, where i has storage class STC.local mixin("enum x" ~ to!string(i) ~ " = i"); // ok, can access current loop variable }
static foreach (i; 0.. 10) { pragma(msg, mixin("x" ~ to!string(i))); // ok, all 10 symbols are visible as they were forwarded to the global scope }
static assert (!is(typeof(i))); // loop index variable is not visible outside of the static foreach loop
A StaticForeachDeclaration generates one ForwardingAttribDeclaration for each expansion of its body. The AST of the ForwardingAttribDeclaration contains both the `static foreach variables and the respective copy of the static foreach` body. The functionality is achieved by using a ForwardingScopeDsymbol as the parent symbol for the generated declarations.
Scope* newScope(Scope* sc);
Use the ForwardingScopeDsymbol as the parent symbol for members.
void addMember(Scope* sc, ScopeDsymbol sds);
Lazily initializes the scope to forward to.
class CompileDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
Mixin declarations, like: mixin("int x");
class UserAttributeDeclaration: dmd.attrib.AttribDeclaration;
User defined attributes look like: @foo(args, ...) @(args, ...)
static bool isGNUABITag(Expression e);
Check if the provided expression references core.attribute.gnuAbiTag
This should be called after semantic has been run on the expression. Semantic on UDA happens in semantic2 (see dmd.semantic2).
Expression e Expression to check (usually from UserAttributeDeclaration.atts)
true if the expression references the compiler-recognized gnuAbiTag
static void checkGNUABITag(Dsymbol sym, LINK linkage);
Called from a symbol's semantic to check if gnuAbiTag UDA can be applied to them
Directly emits an error if the UDA doesn't work with this symbol
Dsymbol sym symbol to check for gnuAbiTag
LINK linkage Linkage of the symbol ( or