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Defines the help texts for the CLI options offered by DMD.
This file is not shared with other compilers which use the DMD front-end. However, this file will be used to generate the online documentation and MAN pages.

Source cli.d

enum TargetOS: int;
Bit decoding of the TargetOS
bool isCurrentTargetOS(TargetOS os);
Checks whether os is the current TargetOS. For TargetOS.all it will always return true.
TargetOS os TargetOS to check
true iff os contains the current targetOS.
static string capitalize(string w);
Capitalize a the first character of a ASCII string.
string w ASCII i string to capitalize
capitalized string
struct Usage;
Contains all available CLI Usage.Options.
See Also:
struct Option;
Representation of a CLI Option
The DDoc description ddoxText is only available when compiled with -version=DdocOptions.
string flag;
The CLI flag without leading -, e.g. color
string helpText;
A detailed description of the flag
TargetOS os;
For which TargetOS the flags are applicable
this(string flag, string helpText, TargetOS os = TargetOS.all);

this(string flag, string helpText, string ddocText, TargetOS os = TargetOS.all);
string flag CLI flag without leading -, e.g. color
string helpText detailed description of the flag
TargetOS os for which TargetOS the flags are applicable
string ddocText detailed description of the flag (in Ddoc)
static immutable Option[] options;
Returns all available CLI options
struct Feature;
Representation of a CLI feature
string name;
name of the feature
bool deprecated_;
whether the feature is still in use
static immutable Feature[] transitions;
Returns all available transitions
static immutable Feature[] reverts;
Returns all available reverts
static immutable Feature[] previews;
Returns all available previews
struct CLIUsage;
Formats the Options for CLI printing.
static string usage();
Returns a string of all available CLI options for the current targetOS. Options are separated by newlines.
enum string mcpuUsage;
CPU architectures supported -mcpu=id
enum string transitionUsage;
Language changes listed by -transition=id
enum string revertUsage;
Language changes listed by -revert
enum string previewUsage;
Language previews listed by -preview
enum string checkActionUsage;
Options supported by -checkaction=
enum string checkUsage;
Options supported by -check
enum string externStdUsage;
Options supported by -extern-std