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Arbitrary-precision ('bignum') arithmetic

Performance is optimized for numbers below ~1000 decimal digits. For X86 machines, highly optimised assembly routines are used.

The following algorithms are currently implemented:

For very large numbers, consider using the GMP library instead.

Boost License 1.0.

Don Clugston


struct BigInt;
A struct representing an arbitrary precision integer

All arithmetic operations are supported, except unsigned shift right (>>>). Bitwise operations (|, &, ^, ~) are supported, and behave as if BigInt was an infinite length 2's complement number.

BigInt implements value semantics using copy-on-write. This means that assignment is cheap, but operations such as x++ will cause heap allocation. (But note that for most bigint operations, heap allocation is inevitable anyway).

        BigInt a = "9588669891916142";
        BigInt b = "7452469135154800";
        auto c = a * b;
        assert(c == BigInt("71459266416693160362545788781600"));
        auto d = b * a;
        assert(d == BigInt("71459266416693160362545788781600"));
        assert(d == c);
        d = c * BigInt("794628672112");
        assert(d == BigInt("56783581982794522489042432639320434378739200"));
        auto e = c + d;
        assert(e == BigInt("56783581982865981755459125799682980167520800"));
        auto f = d + c;
        assert(f == e);
        auto g = f - c;
        assert(g == d);
        g = f - d;
        assert(g == c);
        e = 12345678;
        g = c + e;
        auto h = g / b;
        auto i = g % b;
        assert(h == a);
        assert(i == e);
        BigInt j = "-0x9A56_57f4_7B83_AB78";
        j ^^= 11;

pure this(T : const(char)[])(T s);
Construct a BigInt from a decimal or hexadecimal string.

The number must be in the form of a D decimal or hex literal:

It may have a leading + or - sign; followed by "0x" if hexadecimal.

Underscores are permitted.

Should throw a IllegalArgumentException/ConvError if invalid character found

pure nothrow this(T)(T x) if (isIntegral!T);

pure nothrow this(T)(T x) if (is(Unqual!T == BigInt));

pure nothrow BigInt opAssign(T)(T x) if (isIntegral!T);

pure BigInt opAssign(T : BigInt)(T x);

const pure bool opEquals()(auto ref const BigInt y);

const pure bool opEquals(T)(T y) if (isIntegral!T);

const pure T opCast(T : bool)();

const pure T opCast(T)() if (is(Unqual!T == BigInt));

const pure nothrow int opCmp(T)(T y) if (isIntegral!T);

const pure nothrow int opCmp(T : BigInt)(const T y);

const pure nothrow long toLong();
Returns the value of this BigInt as a long,

or +- long.max if outside the representable range.

const pure nothrow int toInt();
Returns the value of this BigInt as an int,

or +- int.max if outside the representable range.

const pure nothrow @property size_t uintLength();
Number of significant uints which are used in storing this number.

The absolute value of this BigInt is always < 2^^(32*uintLength)

const pure nothrow @property size_t ulongLength();
Number of significant ulongs which are used in storing this number.

The absolute value of this BigInt is always < 2^^(64*ulongLength)

const void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink, string formatString);
Convert the BigInt to string, passing it to 'sink'.

The output format is controlled via formatString:
The output format is controlled via formatString:
"d" Decimal
"x" Hexadecimal, lower case
"X" Hexadecimal, upper case
"s" Default formatting (same as "d")
null Default formatting (same as "d")
"d" Decimal
"x" Hexadecimal, lower case
"X" Hexadecimal, upper case
"s" Default formatting (same as "d")
null Default formatting (same as "d")