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JavaScript Object Notation

Boost License 1.0.

Jeremie Pelletier, David Herberth



enum JSON_TYPE: byte;
JSON type enumeration

Indicates the type of a JSONValue.

struct JSONValue;
JSON value node

const @property JSON_TYPE type();
Specifies the type of the value stored in this structure.

deprecated @property JSON_TYPE type(JSON_TYPE newType);
Deprecated. Instead, please assign the value with the adequate type to JSONValue directly. This will be removed in June 2015.

Sets the type of this JSONValue. Previous content is cleared.

inout @property inout(string) str();
@property string str(string v);
Value getter/setter for JSON_TYPE.STRING.

Throws JSONException for read access if type is not JSON_TYPE.STRING.

inout @property inout(long) integer();
@property long integer(long v);
Value getter/setter for JSON_TYPE.INTEGER.

Throws JSONException for read access if type is not JSON_TYPE.INTEGER.

inout @property inout(ulong) uinteger();
@property ulong uinteger(ulong v);
Value getter/setter for JSON_TYPE.UINTEGER.

Throws JSONException for read access if type is not JSON_TYPE.UINTEGER.

inout @property inout(double) floating();
@property double floating(double v);
Value getter/setter for JSON_TYPE.FLOAT.

Throws JSONException for read access if type is not JSON_TYPE.FLOAT.

inout @property ref inout(JSONValue[string]) object();
@property JSONValue[string] object(JSONValue[string] v);
Value getter/setter for JSON_TYPE.OBJECT.

Throws JSONException for read access if type is not JSON_TYPE.OBJECT.

inout @property ref inout(JSONValue[]) array();
@property JSONValue[] array(JSONValue[] v);
Value getter/setter for JSON_TYPE.ARRAY.

Throws JSONException for read access if type is not JSON_TYPE.ARRAY.

this(T)(T arg) if (!isStaticArray!T);
this(T)(ref T arg) if (isStaticArray!T);
inout this(T : JSONValue)(inout T arg);
Constructor for JSONValue. If arg is a JSONValue its value and type will be copied to the new JSONValue. Note that this is a shallow copy: if type is JSON_TYPE.OBJECT or JSON_TYPE.ARRAY then only the reference to the data will be copied. Otherwise, arg must be implicitly convertible to one of the following types: typeof(null), string, ulong, long, double, an associative array V[K] for any V and K i.e. a JSON object, any array or bool. The type will be set accordingly.

inout ref inout(JSONValue) opIndex(size_t i);
Array syntax for json arrays.

Throws JSONException if type is not JSON_TYPE.ARRAY.

inout ref inout(JSONValue) opIndex(string k);
Hash syntax for json objects.

Throws JSONException if type is not JSON_TYPE.OBJECT.

int opApply(int delegate(size_t index, ref JSONValue) dg);
Implements the foreach opApply interface for json arrays.

int opApply(int delegate(string key, ref JSONValue) dg);
Implements the foreach opApply interface for json objects.

const string toString();
Implicitly calls toJSON on this JSONValue.

const string toPrettyString();
Implicitly calls toJSON on this JSONValue, like toString, but

also passes true as pretty argument.

JSONValue parseJSON(T)(T json, int maxDepth = -1) if (isInputRange!T);
Parses a serialized string and returns a tree of JSON values.

string toJSON(in JSONValue* root, in bool pretty = false);
Takes a tree of JSON values and returns the serialized string.

If pretty is false no whitespaces are generated. If pretty is true serialized string is formatted to be human-readable. No exact formatting layout is guaranteed in the latter case.

class JSONException: object.Exception;
Exception thrown on JSON errors