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Read/write data in the zip archive format. Makes use of the etc.c.zlib compression library.


Boost License 1.0.

Walter Bright


class ZipException: object.Exception;
Thrown on error.

enum CompressionMethod: ushort;
Compression method used by ArchiveMember

No compression, just archiving

Deflate algorithm. Use zlib library to compress

class ArchiveMember;
A member of the ZipArchive.

string name;
Read/Write: Usually the file name of the archive member; it is used to index the archive directory for the member. Each member must have a unique name[]. Do not change without removing member from the directory first.

ubyte[] extra;
Read/Write: extra data for this member.

string comment;
Read/Write: comment associated with this member.

ushort flags;
Read/Write: normally set to 0

ushort internalAttributes;

@property ushort extractVersion();
Read Only

@property uint crc32();
Read Only: cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value

@property uint compressedSize();
Read Only: size of data of member in compressed form.

@property uint expandedSize();
Read Only: size of data of member in expanded form.

@property ushort diskNumber();
Read Only: should be 0.

@property ubyte[] compressedData();
Read Only: data of member in compressed form.

@property ubyte[] expandedData();
Read data of member in uncompressed form.

@property void expandedData(ubyte[] ed);
Write data of member in uncompressed form.

@property void fileAttributes(uint attr);
Set the OS specific file attributes, as obtained by std.file.getAttributes or std.file.DirEntry.attributes, for this archive member.

const @property uint fileAttributes();
Get the OS specific file attributes for the archive member.

The file attributes or 0 if the file attributes were encoded for an incompatible OS (Windows vs. Posix).

@property void time(SysTime time);
@property void time(DosFileTime time);
Set the last modification time for this member.

const @property DosFileTime time();
Get the last modification time for this member.

@property CompressionMethod compressionMethod();
Read compression method used for this member

See Also:

@property void compressionMethod(CompressionMethod cm);
Write compression method used for this member

See Also:

class ZipArchive;
Object representing the entire archive. ZipArchives are collections of ArchiveMembers.

string comment;
Read/Write: the archive comment. Must be less than 65536 bytes in length.

@property ubyte[] data();
Read Only: array representing the entire contents of the archive.

@property uint diskNumber();
Read Only: 0 since multi-disk zip archives are not supported.

@property uint diskStartDir();
Read Only: 0 since multi-disk zip archives are not supported

@property uint numEntries();
@property uint totalEntries();
Read Only: number of ArchiveMembers in the directory.

@property ArchiveMember[string] directory();
Read Only: array indexed by the name of each member of the archive. All the members of the archive can be accessed with a foreach loop:

ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(data);
foreach (ArchiveMember am;
    writefln("member name is '%s'",;

Constructor to use when creating a new archive.

void addMember(ArchiveMember de);
Add de to the archive.

void deleteMember(ArchiveMember de);
Delete de from the archive.

void[] build();
Construct an archive out of the current members of the archive.

Fills in the properties data[], diskNumber, diskStartDir, numEntries, totalEntries, and directory[]. For each ArchiveMember, fills in properties crc32, compressedSize, compressedData[].

array representing the entire archive.

this(void[] buffer);
Constructor to use when reading an existing archive.

Fills in the properties data[], diskNumber, diskStartDir, numEntries, totalEntries, comment[], and directory[]. For each ArchiveMember, fills in properties madeVersion, extractVersion, flags, compressionMethod, time, crc32, compressedSize, expandedSize, compressedData[], diskNumber, internalAttributes, externalAttributes, name[], extra[], comment[]. Use expand() to get the expanded data for each ArchiveMember.

void[] buffer the entire contents of the archive.

ubyte[] expand(ArchiveMember de);
Decompress the contents of archive member de and return the expanded data.

Fills in properties extractVersion, flags, compressionMethod, time, crc32, compressedSize, expandedSize, expandedData[], name[], extra[].