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std.algorithm.searching.count - multiple declarations

Function count

Counts matches of needle in haystack.

size_t count(alias pred, Range, E) (
  Range haystack,
  E needle
if (isInputRange!Range && !isInfinite!Range && is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle))));

size_t count(alias pred, R1, R2) (
  R1 haystack,
  R2 needle
if (isForwardRange!R1 && !isInfinite!R1 && isForwardRange!R2 && is(typeof(binaryFun!pred(haystack.front, needle.front))));

The first overload counts each element e in haystack for which pred(e, needle) is true. pred defaults to equality. Performs Ο(haystack.length) evaluations of pred.

The second overload counts the number of times needle was matched in haystack. pred compares elements in each range. Throws an exception if needle.empty is true, as the count of the empty range in any range would be infinite. Overlapped counts are *not* considered, for example count("aaa", "aa") is 1, not 2.


Regardless of the overload, count will not accept infinite ranges for haystack.


pred The predicate to compare elements.
haystack The range to count.
needle The element or sub-range to count in haystack.


The number of matches in haystack.


// count elements in range
int[] a = [ 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 3, 2, 4 ];
writeln(count(a, 2)); // 3
writeln(count!("a > b")(a, 2)); // 5


import std.uni : toLower;
// count range in range
writeln(count("abcadfabf", "ab")); // 2
writeln(count("ababab", "abab")); // 1
writeln(count("ababab", "abx")); // 0
// fuzzy count range in range
writeln(count!((a, b) => toLower(a) == toLower(b))("AbcAdFaBf", "ab")); // 2

Function count

Counts all elements or elements satisfying a predicate in haystack.

size_t count(alias pred, R) (
  R haystack
if (isInputRange!R && !isInfinite!R && is(typeof(unaryFun!pred(haystack.front))));

size_t count(R) (
  R haystack
if (isInputRange!R && !isInfinite!R);

The first overload counts each element e in haystack for which pred(e) is true. Performs Ο(haystack.length) evaluations of pred.

The second overload counts the number of elements in a range. If the given range has the length property, that is returned right away, otherwise performs Ο(haystack.length) to walk the range.


pred Optional predicate to find elements.
haystack The range to count.


The number of elements in haystack (for which pred returned true).


// count elements in range
int[] a = [ 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 3, 2, 4 ];
writeln(count(a)); // 9
// count predicate in range
writeln(count!("a > 2")(a)); // 5


Andrei Alexandrescu


Boost License 1.0.