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dmd.dtemplate.TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs - multiple declarations

Function TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs

Run semantic of tiargs as arguments of template.

static bool semanticTiargs (
  ref const(Loc) loc,
  dmd.dscope.Scope* sc,
  dmd.root.array.Array!(dmd.root.rootobject.RootObject)* tiargs,
  int flags,
  TupleDeclaration atd = null


loc sc tiargs array of template arguments flags 1: replace const variables with their initializers 2: don't devolve Parameter to Type atd tuple being optimized. If found, it's not expanded here but in AliasAssign semantic.


false if one or more arguments have errors.

Function TemplateInstance.semanticTiargs

Run semantic on the elements of tiargs.

final bool semanticTiargs (
  dmd.dscope.Scope* sc




false if one or more arguments have errors.


This function is reentrant against error occurrence. If returns false, all elements of tiargs won't be modified.


Walter Bright


Boost License 1.0