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Function std.array.staticArray

Constructs a static array from a. The type of elements can be specified implicitly so that [1, 2].staticArray results in int[2], or explicitly, e.g. [1, 2].staticArray!float returns float[2]. When a is a range whose length is not known at compile time, the number of elements must be given as template argument (e.g. myrange.staticArray!2). Size and type can be combined, if the source range elements are implicitly convertible to the requested element type (eg: 2.iota.staticArray!(long[2])). When the range a is known at compile time, it can also be specified as a template argument to avoid having to specify the number of elements (e.g.: staticArray!(2.iota) or staticArray!(double, 2.iota)).

T[n] staticArray(T, ulong n) (
  auto ref T[n] a

auto staticArray(ulong n, T) (
  scope T a
if (isInputRange!T);

auto staticArray(ulong n, T) (
  scope T a,
  out size_t rangeLength
if (isInputRange!T);

auto staticArray(Un, U, ulong n, T) (
  scope T a
if (isInputRange!T && is(ElementType!T : U));

auto staticArray(Un, U, ulong n, T) (
  scope T a,
  out size_t rangeLength
if (isInputRange!T && is(ElementType!T : U));

auto staticArray(alias a)()
if (isInputRange!(typeof(a)));

auto staticArray(U, alias a)()
if (isInputRange!(typeof(a)));


staticArray returns by value, so expressions involving large arrays may be inefficient.


a The input elements. If there are less elements than the specified length of the static array, the rest of it is default-initialized. If there are more than specified, the first elements up to the specified length are used.
rangeLength outputs the number of elements used from a to it. Optional.


A static array constructed from a.


static array from array literal

auto a = [0, 1].staticArray;
static assert(is(typeof(a) == int[2]));
writeln(a); // [0, 1]


static array from array with implicit casting of elements

auto b = [0, 1].staticArray!long;
static assert(is(typeof(b) == long[2]));
writeln(b); // [0, 1]


static array from range + size

import std.range : iota;

auto input = 3.iota;
auto a = input.staticArray!2;
static assert(is(typeof(a) == int[2]));
writeln(a); // [0, 1]
auto b = input.staticArray!(long[4]);
static assert(is(typeof(b) == long[4]));
writeln(b); // [0, 1, 2, 0]


static array from CT range

import std.range : iota;

enum a = staticArray!(2.iota);
static assert(is(typeof(a) == int[2]));
writeln(a); // [0, 1]

enum b = staticArray!(long, 2.iota);
static assert(is(typeof(b) == long[2]));
writeln(b); // [0, 1]


Andrei Alexandrescu and Jonathan M Davis


Boost License 1.0.